Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ah the good ol' days

The other night the Johnny Depp version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was on and so we taped it for Tony. He watched it the next day and was quite intrigued by it. He saw how in this version Charlie's dad loses his job from the toothpaste factory and when has asked what happened I told him;
"They made a machine that can do his job so now they dont need him anymore so Charlie and his family dont have any money anymore".
Now I know that seems like a pretty heavy explanation but what can I say, Tony is a stickler for details and I was just answering it all in one go or I would have got whole lot of questions anyway.
This seemed to strike something in him and he looked very concerned. After some thought he said to me;
"Maybe we can give them some of our money."
Even though it was funny it made me realise what a thoughtful little boy he is.
Now I grew up with the original "Willy Wonka" and no offence to Johnny Depp but the original is so much better in my opinion. I know that those edible giant mushrooms are clearly painted styrofoam and those big ball things are just painted big balloons but apart from the old school effects not being up to par with the modern day ones, i think the original captures it all better for me.
SO.....out I went yesterday to buy the original to show Tony! We watched it twice yesterday afternoon and he was so excited and after his first viewing I HAD to ask him...
"So Tony, which one do you like better, the one we taped, or this on eI bought on DVD?"
And like music to my ears he chose the original version!!! There is something so nice about your children enjoying the same things you enjoyed as a kid.


  1. That's so cute. It's good to know I can count on Tony when I run out of money!

  2. That's so adorable Jo!! It made me laugh and teary at the same time. Tony seems to have that effect on me, although it's usually because he makes me laugh so much that I cry. He's such a sweet boy!! I hope Pacey is as sweet as your boys!

  3. What a thoughtful soul Tony is...wonder where he gets all that compassion? My bet is his parents!
    I'm with you Jo, you can't beat the original Willy Wonka.
    It won't be long and little Carter will be enjoying it with you too :)
